Friday 30 March 2012

The Village

I chose to live on campus in the UWS Village because I thought it would be a good place to meet other students, and also an easy way to get to and from campus. Although I was correct in those assumptions, I was unaware that it was also a place for people to live who have bad credit, jail time, and psychiatric problems. Apparently you don't have to be enrolled in classes to sign up. Oh, joy. Without background checks and permanent lease agreements this place is the perfect place for anyone, literally anyone. I was lucky and got assigned to a room with four other girls, three of whom are students and one is.. well... I'll just stop there. That's the point of going somewhere new, though. To experience different people with different ways of life either good or bad. I just hope I don't come back to the states more racist than I left! Ha-ha, but seriously.. It's definitely broadening my view on the world and the stereotypes that go along with it.
But don't worry mom! It's relatively safe here :) I promise!
The friends that I have made here at the village are worth every second of living in such sketchy conditions. I just feel bad for the families that come here for two weeks thinking it's a hotel.. The temporary stays this place offers are sometimes advertised incorrectly.. Yiikes..

The good parts about the village are obvious: There's always something going on since majority of the residents are actual students who like staying active. We spend our days lounging in the heat by the pool and lathering on sunscreen to protect against the non existent ozone layer here. Everyone comes out and plays volleyball or soccer (football) and talks about how much they dislike their crazy roommates. It's all good fun.

 There's also a grill out front for everyone to use, so the girls and I have been shaping up our barbecuing skills every week. It makes me feel so self suffiencient! Wooo! Kill it cut it grill it eat it!
Our first family dinner was chicken, pork, sauteed onions and peppers, with garlic bread and pasta salad on the side. Andddd of course lemon and garlic shrimp, or prawns as they commandingly correct you.
But what's a barbique without throwing a little Shrimp on the Barbie, mate?!?
Here's a picture of me eating my first "shrimp on the barbie". You could say I'm heaps keen for it.. Also it was my birthday so I was in the best of spirtits. Notice the new Nixon watch - I was instructed noooot to open it until my birthday so wondering what was wrapped in that box for two weeks killed me. Totally worth it, though. Thank you so much love! <3

And also here's a couple pictures of my lovely bulletin board if you curious cats are wondering what I look at everyday while I'm errr studying.. It always makes me think of home and all the people I love and miss so much. Ya'll are with me all the time!
Cool stuff! Huh??? Oh boy.
I've only been here for a month and a half and it already feels like a year. Only three months left until I pack up and return to you all! Can't wait but at the same time I'll enjoy every moment here until then. Stay tuned...! :)

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