Tuesday 13 March 2012

Manly Beach

The first week before school started was spent between trying (and failing) to learn the bus schedule and making day trips to the beaches around Sydney. We had heard that the US Open for surfing was going to be at Manly beach and so we loaded our bags and trekked down for the 2hour commute to this famous landmark. The sight of 20 international students, looking like a school field trip as we padded down the street, must have made the locals laugh, as we were laughing at ourselves. But we made our way to the wharf (with help from an iphone, of course) and loaded into the ferry that would take us straight to Sydney.

The ferry ride was great, the wind and the sun on our faces made this trip feel even more like a grand adventure. We passed huge seaside homes with multiple boats out front, wondering  to ourselves what it would be like as a child to have an ocean in their backyard instead of a swing set. We saw the Sydney Harbor Bridge, and the people brave enough to walk across the top (you can pay $200 be one of those tiny people, but I choose life). I then saw the Opera House for my very first time and that's when it officially set in that yes, I was in Sydney. P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney! I found Nemo!

After another ferry ride we finally got to Manly Beach, packed with tourists and families and plenttty of surfers. We found a spot down near the water and finally rested in the softest sand I've ever felt. I was eager to get in the water so we walked down to where the currents weren't as strong and waded into the waves. The water felt refreshing and cool on my skin, the incredible amount of salt made my eyes burn and teeth clench up but I soon realized I was floating without even knowing it so I let my head rest back and my body rise and fall with the waves. I was in heaven, so happy and so carefree. Until I remembered the jellies and the sharks and I quickly got into attack mode - you never know. They're out there, you have to be ready at all times. :)

We left the waves to go check out the competition further down the beach. They had a band set up and music playing as well as a mini ramp and a skate competition right on the beach. It was the perfect day. My first Australian beach experience and I couldn't have asked for anything more.
The storm clouds eventually rolled in and we had to make the journey back to campus, but not without a gelato first :)

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