Thursday 29 March 2012

Darling Harbour, darling

Darling Harbour is one of the main ports in Sydney. It's right in the middle of Town Hall, surrounded by restaurants and cafes and a multi level shopping mall to spend your money and time on a nice day. It really is darling, darling.

 The girls and I took a day trip one afternoon to explore and take pictures and play in the fountains like the good tourists we are. Enjoying the sun and getting our feet wet as we let it sink in that we would be in Sydney for the semester. The foreign landmarks and new environment stirred up an excitement within me, a sudden yearning to get up and get out and to stay curious. Knowing that there is sooo much world out there that I have yet to see and experience makes me feel really small, but at the same time, ready to accept as a part of life. 

We continued on to none other than, the shopping mall. How foreign right? We plundered around looking at tacky gifts and overpriced clothing stores until we stumbled upon an Oxygen Bar set up in the middle of the mall. It pumps you full of O2 while you sit there relaxing, playing with Ipads for 20 minutes. We all started taking goofy pictures that will eventually end up on their websites if we're lucky; here's to hoping, eh?

Feeling quite refreshed and oxygenated, we went to the other side of the harbor to find a different kind of bar. We wanted to sit down and grab a bite to eat with some early bird cocktails before heading back into town for the night. This restaurant called Black Bird Cafe looked really retro so we settled in for some fresh coronas and chips to wrap up the day.

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