Sunday 1 April 2012

Bondi to Bronte

The beaches here are nnnnhhice! Since it's still summer here, they're always packed full of vacationers or people on holiday (kind of like us students..). There's a walk between three of the beaches, starting at Bondi and ending at Bronti that leads you above and around so you get the best view of everything and everyone.

Bondi is huge, this is where you take "long walks on the beach" and settle into one of the restaurants around the coast after you build up an appetite from all the walking you're doing. There's beach volleyball set up and a skate park that almost gets you wet because of how close it is to the water. There's also a pool that is actually attached to the ocean and will definitely get you wet. You have to pay to go swim laps but at least you know you won't get eaten by a great white!

 We continued our walk past a few of the smaller beaches and stopped to take pictures here and there. This one is of my friends Madeline, or Maddou as she's known as by her friends in France (and I enjoy saying with a deep throaty accent) and myself doing some wishful thinking as to which house is ours in the background. Maybe someday.. here's to dreaming. I like the one with all glass walls. Would never have to worry about it burning down from a bush fire! Heyoo..

We arrived at Bronti to settle in for lunch and some more sun. The current is absolutely crazy here, you're not allowed to swim at all near these rocks, you have to go to the way far left if you want to try and ride some waves. Just standing knee deep I could feel the strong pull out to sea. The water was rushing around my ankles and pushing me towards the deep, my feet being buried by so when the next wave came in I got pushed over like a new born. The water was so clear and so blue it felt like it was an exotic island that was far, far away from anyone speaking English. So I walked away from that french girl and sang the national anthem loudly a few times.America!

  There were natural pools attached to the beach and they were free to swim in so we took a break from the waves and joined the elderly in the reserve. It was sooo beautiful, we stayed there for the rest of the day before headed back to the lovely Parramatta. What a great  way to end the day!

PS go Tigers!

Friday 30 March 2012

The Village

I chose to live on campus in the UWS Village because I thought it would be a good place to meet other students, and also an easy way to get to and from campus. Although I was correct in those assumptions, I was unaware that it was also a place for people to live who have bad credit, jail time, and psychiatric problems. Apparently you don't have to be enrolled in classes to sign up. Oh, joy. Without background checks and permanent lease agreements this place is the perfect place for anyone, literally anyone. I was lucky and got assigned to a room with four other girls, three of whom are students and one is.. well... I'll just stop there. That's the point of going somewhere new, though. To experience different people with different ways of life either good or bad. I just hope I don't come back to the states more racist than I left! Ha-ha, but seriously.. It's definitely broadening my view on the world and the stereotypes that go along with it.
But don't worry mom! It's relatively safe here :) I promise!
The friends that I have made here at the village are worth every second of living in such sketchy conditions. I just feel bad for the families that come here for two weeks thinking it's a hotel.. The temporary stays this place offers are sometimes advertised incorrectly.. Yiikes..

The good parts about the village are obvious: There's always something going on since majority of the residents are actual students who like staying active. We spend our days lounging in the heat by the pool and lathering on sunscreen to protect against the non existent ozone layer here. Everyone comes out and plays volleyball or soccer (football) and talks about how much they dislike their crazy roommates. It's all good fun.

 There's also a grill out front for everyone to use, so the girls and I have been shaping up our barbecuing skills every week. It makes me feel so self suffiencient! Wooo! Kill it cut it grill it eat it!
Our first family dinner was chicken, pork, sauteed onions and peppers, with garlic bread and pasta salad on the side. Andddd of course lemon and garlic shrimp, or prawns as they commandingly correct you.
But what's a barbique without throwing a little Shrimp on the Barbie, mate?!?
Here's a picture of me eating my first "shrimp on the barbie". You could say I'm heaps keen for it.. Also it was my birthday so I was in the best of spirtits. Notice the new Nixon watch - I was instructed noooot to open it until my birthday so wondering what was wrapped in that box for two weeks killed me. Totally worth it, though. Thank you so much love! <3

And also here's a couple pictures of my lovely bulletin board if you curious cats are wondering what I look at everyday while I'm errr studying.. It always makes me think of home and all the people I love and miss so much. Ya'll are with me all the time!
Cool stuff! Huh??? Oh boy.
I've only been here for a month and a half and it already feels like a year. Only three months left until I pack up and return to you all! Can't wait but at the same time I'll enjoy every moment here until then. Stay tuned...! :)

Thursday 29 March 2012

Darling Harbour, darling

Darling Harbour is one of the main ports in Sydney. It's right in the middle of Town Hall, surrounded by restaurants and cafes and a multi level shopping mall to spend your money and time on a nice day. It really is darling, darling.

 The girls and I took a day trip one afternoon to explore and take pictures and play in the fountains like the good tourists we are. Enjoying the sun and getting our feet wet as we let it sink in that we would be in Sydney for the semester. The foreign landmarks and new environment stirred up an excitement within me, a sudden yearning to get up and get out and to stay curious. Knowing that there is sooo much world out there that I have yet to see and experience makes me feel really small, but at the same time, ready to accept as a part of life. 

We continued on to none other than, the shopping mall. How foreign right? We plundered around looking at tacky gifts and overpriced clothing stores until we stumbled upon an Oxygen Bar set up in the middle of the mall. It pumps you full of O2 while you sit there relaxing, playing with Ipads for 20 minutes. We all started taking goofy pictures that will eventually end up on their websites if we're lucky; here's to hoping, eh?

Feeling quite refreshed and oxygenated, we went to the other side of the harbor to find a different kind of bar. We wanted to sit down and grab a bite to eat with some early bird cocktails before heading back into town for the night. This restaurant called Black Bird Cafe looked really retro so we settled in for some fresh coronas and chips to wrap up the day.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Manly Beach

The first week before school started was spent between trying (and failing) to learn the bus schedule and making day trips to the beaches around Sydney. We had heard that the US Open for surfing was going to be at Manly beach and so we loaded our bags and trekked down for the 2hour commute to this famous landmark. The sight of 20 international students, looking like a school field trip as we padded down the street, must have made the locals laugh, as we were laughing at ourselves. But we made our way to the wharf (with help from an iphone, of course) and loaded into the ferry that would take us straight to Sydney.

The ferry ride was great, the wind and the sun on our faces made this trip feel even more like a grand adventure. We passed huge seaside homes with multiple boats out front, wondering  to ourselves what it would be like as a child to have an ocean in their backyard instead of a swing set. We saw the Sydney Harbor Bridge, and the people brave enough to walk across the top (you can pay $200 be one of those tiny people, but I choose life). I then saw the Opera House for my very first time and that's when it officially set in that yes, I was in Sydney. P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney! I found Nemo!

After another ferry ride we finally got to Manly Beach, packed with tourists and families and plenttty of surfers. We found a spot down near the water and finally rested in the softest sand I've ever felt. I was eager to get in the water so we walked down to where the currents weren't as strong and waded into the waves. The water felt refreshing and cool on my skin, the incredible amount of salt made my eyes burn and teeth clench up but I soon realized I was floating without even knowing it so I let my head rest back and my body rise and fall with the waves. I was in heaven, so happy and so carefree. Until I remembered the jellies and the sharks and I quickly got into attack mode - you never know. They're out there, you have to be ready at all times. :)

We left the waves to go check out the competition further down the beach. They had a band set up and music playing as well as a mini ramp and a skate competition right on the beach. It was the perfect day. My first Australian beach experience and I couldn't have asked for anything more.
The storm clouds eventually rolled in and we had to make the journey back to campus, but not without a gelato first :)

Sunday 19 February 2012

16 ahead and more

So I made it to Australia! Touched down in beautiful Sydney on Thursday morning after not technically existing for a day while I traveled halfway across the world. I noticed the difference immediately when I went to find a bathroom after getting off the plane and not knowing that the sign for a little green man in a full sprint meant restrooms this way. Guess he really had to go.

They drive on the other side of the road and a little more haphazardly but I couldn't take my eyes off the trees and the gorgeous scenery to really notice. This place was going to be a dream come true, and it was only beginning.

I got to my empty dorm and flashbacks of freshman year flooded my brain. Oh boy. After scaring the daylights out of my new roommate who had just gotten out of the shower I realized I didn't even have a towel to take a shower myself, let alone shampoo or any other things your mother makes sure you don't forget on your first day. But since my suitcases were jam packed with necessary things, like shoes, I had just thought to buy whatever else I needed here.
I walked across the street to the bus stop and met the nicest girl who almost shat herself in excitement to hear that I was from the States. She swiped her bus card for me after I stood there dumb without AU$ and then showed me where to go to get one before going on her way. My first taste of Australian hospitality... I was in a good place.
Walking around this shopping center was insane. Five floors with cinemas and superstores at every end was pretty intimidating at first. Especially the escalators being on the opposite side, whoah. I stumbled into my fair share of fish markets, let me tell you. But I made it back around 5pm and couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, way to go G!

My second day we had international orientation and I met the rest of the crew that was here from abroad. Such a random handful of people all connected in this one place, it's pretty amazing. Finland, Germany, Italy, Holland, France, and wholllle lot of Canada, ey? Everyone's from somewhere different. Oh and three loud ass Americans to hold it down
Typical orientation, Aborigine dancing, crocodile petting and a two man band playing American classics like Funky Town and Poker Face. Quality stuff.

After that we all went back to the shopping center for pans and laundry baskets before making our way back to The Village dorms for the 'Dress to Kill' party. We were allowed two free cocktails and a hot dog on white bread. Things got weird with the white bread. The DJ had us beating the beat down, I felt like I was on Jersey Shore and I don't know how I felt about it. Once again, I passed out early, go G! This year was starting out exactly like I thought, Freshman semester here we go!