Sunday 19 February 2012

16 ahead and more

So I made it to Australia! Touched down in beautiful Sydney on Thursday morning after not technically existing for a day while I traveled halfway across the world. I noticed the difference immediately when I went to find a bathroom after getting off the plane and not knowing that the sign for a little green man in a full sprint meant restrooms this way. Guess he really had to go.

They drive on the other side of the road and a little more haphazardly but I couldn't take my eyes off the trees and the gorgeous scenery to really notice. This place was going to be a dream come true, and it was only beginning.

I got to my empty dorm and flashbacks of freshman year flooded my brain. Oh boy. After scaring the daylights out of my new roommate who had just gotten out of the shower I realized I didn't even have a towel to take a shower myself, let alone shampoo or any other things your mother makes sure you don't forget on your first day. But since my suitcases were jam packed with necessary things, like shoes, I had just thought to buy whatever else I needed here.
I walked across the street to the bus stop and met the nicest girl who almost shat herself in excitement to hear that I was from the States. She swiped her bus card for me after I stood there dumb without AU$ and then showed me where to go to get one before going on her way. My first taste of Australian hospitality... I was in a good place.
Walking around this shopping center was insane. Five floors with cinemas and superstores at every end was pretty intimidating at first. Especially the escalators being on the opposite side, whoah. I stumbled into my fair share of fish markets, let me tell you. But I made it back around 5pm and couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, way to go G!

My second day we had international orientation and I met the rest of the crew that was here from abroad. Such a random handful of people all connected in this one place, it's pretty amazing. Finland, Germany, Italy, Holland, France, and wholllle lot of Canada, ey? Everyone's from somewhere different. Oh and three loud ass Americans to hold it down
Typical orientation, Aborigine dancing, crocodile petting and a two man band playing American classics like Funky Town and Poker Face. Quality stuff.

After that we all went back to the shopping center for pans and laundry baskets before making our way back to The Village dorms for the 'Dress to Kill' party. We were allowed two free cocktails and a hot dog on white bread. Things got weird with the white bread. The DJ had us beating the beat down, I felt like I was on Jersey Shore and I don't know how I felt about it. Once again, I passed out early, go G! This year was starting out exactly like I thought, Freshman semester here we go!